

What is a brand?

A brand means everything you want to communicate to the consumer about the product or your company, but also what you don't want to communicate! A brand is everything the consumer, and by extension, the environment, thinks about your product or company when he/she hears or sees the name, symbol etc. It is a reflection!

"The brand is the intangible of your business. Products are tangible. They are made in factories and stored in warehouses; are things that you can hold in your hand. By contrast, a brand is a collection of intangible elements - ideas, feelings, associations of words. These intangible elements are stored in our mind. "(Eric E. Schmidt, CEO of Google)

Initially, a brand is created having the following characteristics:
1. Target audience - their preferences, interests and ways in which it can be drawn.
2. Location - features, culture, population, climate, history etc.
3. Place of sale - consumer habits and other places selling goods available in the vicinity.
4. Market - minuses or the like and any surpluses in distribution, communication and production.
5. Communication - advertising and other marketing activities and the way in which it was created branding similar products.

After this analysis of the market we create a new brand considering the following steps (not necessarily this order):
- Naming,
- Designing a logo,
- Design a personality market comprising all the features that the new brand should have
- Developing marketing actions to bring to public attention the new brand and its values. The best way to get to the target audience.

The brand is launched as a sum of subjective features that are not physically present in the product. If a brand is aging or it no longer attract the target audience, then we talk about repositioning (rebranding). This includes designing a new personality to address the market; a new target audience is achieved both through communication actions and by changing the visual identity.